Saturday, December 15, 2007

one last blog...

I have to say (and probably most of you feel the same way), that I am happy and sad at the same time about writing this final post for our class. Happy because classes are over, finals are over (at least for me), I am one semester away from graduating college, and I am back home in Puerto Rico where the weather is perfect. But I also feel sad because even though I did not contribute much to our class discussions, I really enjoyed the atmosphere of our classroom and how everyone was comfortable around each other. 

Even without books, taking notes, and constant lectures, I learned more in this class than what I have learned in many of my past classes. I was unaware of almost all the technologies and social networking sites that are available for us out there, it is an entire new world. 

I went back to read my past blog posts, and by now I have changed my mind on some of the things I have said. I always had a negative outlook on what these technologies can do for us as individuals, and in our future job opportunities. I now understand that they are created for a useful purpose and even though some people abuse of these technologies and do not use them for proper purposes, there are others (a vast majority) that do benefit from them. 

As my blog group might have noticed, writing is not one of the things that I consider myself to do well, but I tried to put my messages across. Unlike most of the class, I had to struggle every Sunday (yes, i waited until the last moment to write my posts) to write something coherent and engaging so that others would want to read and comment on them. 

I loved everything about this class; I think it was the only one that I have taken so far that I didn't mind waking up for. The only thing that I do regret is not pushing myself to share with all of you my opinions and thoughts about everything we covered in class. I did have things to say, but I found myself thinking things over and over in my head before actually saying something, and most of the time by that time the class had changed the subject. It was so easy for everyone else to express themselves and communicate their thoughts. I learned that I have to force myself to talk and people will respect my opinions. 

Thank you all for a great semester and good luck in whatever life may bring upon you. :) 

Sunday, December 2, 2007

lets get real...

After reading the Fatdoor Blog and, I couldn't help but ask myself, where are we going with all these innovations in technology?

Before starting this class I had little knowledge about the numerous opportunities that are available to us on the Internet. I really thought that I was technology-savvy, but was I wrong. Every week I read about a new way that social networking is used. I understand that it helps us find connections with others with whom we share similar characteristics; it helps build relationships; hold meetings, and find long lost friends. And, I know that throughout the course of the semester I have come out as a pessimist, almost all my blog posts have been skeptical and negative, and once again, using social networking to support social good seems a little unreal to me.

Even though these programs were created with a useful purpose, trying to unite people and communities, and finding ways for helping those in need, I find it hard to believe that they can be effective when we live in a world were almost everyone only cares about themselves and their own personal interests. Would you really help someone you have never met before? People are sometimes reluctant to help the ones they do know, why would they help a stranger move into their new apartment? And why share your common interests with people you don't even know? And, transferring money out of your bank account to help a homeless person? PLEASE!

I'm just not sure that just because people can now be aware of these applications and opportunities they will take action.